Food Safety Is Our Priority
J.A.B Produce Press Release:
July 31, 2020, J.A.B Produce was made aware of a recall involving onions from Thomson International, Inc. After a thorough investigation, we have confirmed that none of the effected product was bought or sold by J.A.B Produce. J.A.B Produce and our supply chain are NOT affected by the recall associated with Thomson International, Inc. onions. J.A.B Produce has not and does not source any product from Thomson International, Inc.
For more information, please visit the following websites:
FDA: Outbreak Investigation of Salmonella Newport: Red Onions (July 2020)
CDC: Outbreak of Salmonella Newport Infections Linked to Onions
CFIA: Food Recall Warning – Red onions imported from the USA by Sysco in Western Canada recalled due to Salmonella
We recognize the current threats to the food industry and have taken proper initiatives with a food safety program, GAP CERTIFICATION, a traceability program and a mock recall program. Our employees understand that we are a top of the line wholesale distribution center and perform their tasks responsibly.